아이맥, 맥북, 맥 부팅이 느려질 때 해결방법
2013 late 아이맥을 사용하고 있는데 high sierra로 올리고 난 다음 부터 부팅 시동음이 울릴때까지 2,3분이 걸린다.
그 해결책으로 여러가지를 검색 해 본 결과 아래와 같은 방법을 적용해 보라고 한다.
- Shutdown the computer, wait 30 seconds, restart the computer.
- Resetting your Mac’s PRAM and NVRAM
- Reset the System Management Controller (SMC)
- Start the computer in Safe Mode, then restart normally. This is slower than a standard startup.
- Repair the disk by booting from the Recovery HD. Immediately after the chime hold down the Command and R keys until the Utility Menu appears. Choose Disk Utility and click on the Continue button. Select the indented (usually, Macintosh HD) volume entry from the side list. Click on the First Aid button in the toolbar. Wait for the Done button to appear. Quit Disk Utility and return to the Utility Menu. Restart the computer from the Apple Menu.
- Create a New User Account Open Users & Groups preferences. Click on the lock icon and enter your Admin password when prompted. On the left under Current User click on the Add [+] button under Login Options. Setup a new Admin user account. Upon completion log out of your current account then log into the new account. If your problems cease, then consider switching to the new account and transferring your files to it - Transferring files from one User Account to another.
- Download and install theOS X El Capitan 10.11.6 ComboUpdate or 10.12.6 Combo Update or macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 Combo Update as needed.
- Reinstall OS X by booting from the Recovery HD using the Command and R keys. When the Utility Menu appears select Reinstall OS X then click on the Continue button.
- Erase and Install OS X Restart the computer. Immediately after the chime hold down the CommandandRkeys until the Apple logo appears. When the Utility Menu appears:
- 개발자 포럼에서
sudo trimforce diasble
을 적용하면 빨라진다는 말이 있다.
본인은 일단 다 했봤는데, 재부팅은 빨라졌다. 첫 구동 할때는 느림. 그래도 재시작이 빨라져서 너무 좋다.
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